This amazing tribute is narrated by Mary Wirth.
Daisy arrived at Majoda on May 24, 2006. At the time, her name was Dakota and she lived in Chatsworth with another horse, Buddy. The couple who owned them were getting ready to retire and sell their place, so both horses needed to be re-homed. The couple mostly groomed (they called it whisking which we found amusing!) and fed Dakota and Buddy tons of carrots. The horses were primarily used for the occasional trail ride and pony rides for the couples grandchildren. When we got them both to Majoda, we decided to change Dakota’s name, we tried calling her Dee but that didn’t quite fit! Someone suggested Daisy and we all agreed that name was perfect for her. Both horses were quite spoiled and didn’t have the best ground manners so we had our work cut out for us. After a few months, Daisy became very aggressive, we thought maybe she resented her new lifestyle. Diane decided to have the vet come out for a visit and after running some bloodwork, we discovered she had Lyme disease, which can oftentimes make horses very cranky. We treated the Lyme for several weeks, her mood improved greatly, and she was a productive lesson horse once again! Daisy faced many obstacles in her life, including a deep puncture would on her left shoulder which fractured her shoulder blade in 2008. Unfortunately, the prognosis of her being rideable again was poor. She was put on pain medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine, and stall rest. Daisy battled back, and responded better than anyone expected. A few short months later, she was back under saddle in lessons. The past several years she became a reliable and valued lesson horse, Queen of "the mare stare," a gentle teacher to her students and faithful companion to another horse Petey. We are all so lucky to have been able to spend quality time with her, and the lessons she taught us will live in our hearts forever.
Pablo came to Majoda in August of 2006. Our goat, Dobby, had recently died and our other goat, Knobby, was lonely. Diane heard about a large rescue the ASPCA had been a part of, and figured it was a great opportunity to find Knobby a companion. When she arrived at the farm, she witnessed many animals in desperate need of medical attention, some neglected to the point of starvation. There were three goats, one very skinny Shetland pony and no question that all four animals would be going home to Majoda that day to begin their new lives! We named the pony Pablo and nursed him back to health. After some serious TLC he became a well-loved lesson and therapy pony for many years. Sadly, the deplorable living conditions he endured before Diane came along affected him greatly. His health and eyesight declined until he was retired. Pablo thrived on all the love he received from the many students whose lives he touched so deeply. There is no doubt there are people everywhere who were directly impacted by Pablo’s gentle nature and loving spirit. We all have such happy memories of Pablo and all he taught us during his 14 years with us here at Majoda Stables. We made a short video which you can view below. We'd love to hear your memories of Pobbie!
Godiva was truly one of the sweetest creatures ever. She came to us after we gave another goat to our large animal veterinarian, Dr. Matt. Godiva lived on a dairy farm at the time, however, she wasn’t quite fitting in with the baby goats residing at the farm. Godiva settled in perfectly with us at Majoda. Her favorite activities included exploring stalls for leftover food, and soaking in all the attention (and peanuts!) she could get.❤️
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Sessions 1 & 3 are sold out. There is still room in Session 2!